The world of 0xUniverse is huge. There are so many secrets it holds and so many unusual things happening out there that one may easily get overwhelmed.

Recently, the United Earth Government has established that space discoverers are becoming increasingly eager to learn more about what’s going on in the universe they are exploring. After careful consideration, the UEG officials agreed the galaxy must have a media outlet to cover various developments occurring in the great nothingness.

So, our team is proud to announce the emergence of such a media – 0xTimes! The best and only online periodical on this side of the space-time continuum.

Professional journalists from 0xTimes will be gathering noteworthy space news, collecting gossip and conducting investigations! They will provide you with the most thrilling stories and reveal the darkest secrets. And they will stop at nothing to satisfy their readership.

Feel free to follow our new space media on Medium, Twitter, Facebook, Discord or Telegram. If there is something interesting in the galaxy and beyond, 0xTimes will be there to cover it.