Our team is excited to introduce you to our own wallet – 0xWallet. 0xUniverse is the first game to test it out!

The wallet boasts great speed and is quite easy to use, and we invite everyone to try it and leave feedback. However, mind you, this is the first version and it will be storing app data locally. So if the game data is removed the account data will be deleted as well. That is why you need to save the private keys in a separate and secure place.

The next update will see the wallet being capable of storing data securely on our own server so that you could restore it if such a need should arise. It will use password encryption and only you will know the password. Thus no one else (including us) will be able to access it.

That’s the wallet update for you! What else is there?

Well, we’ve fixed the issue that emerged following Ethereum’s Istanbul fork. Moreover, we fixed the bug preventing our players from using Ledgers connected via MetaMask. Ledger users, rejoice!

Besides, you can now see the progress of your transactions getting synced up. Plus, you can sell corporations’ shares even if there is an active Head election in progress (in that case, your vote will be withdrawn).

That’s it, discoverers! Looking forward to your feedback as always!